Friday, June 10, 2011

BSC/South Station


I finally went to the Boston Sports Club at South Station!  I have been passing by for years and never had a chance go to in.  Well I finally was able to set aside time and go.  I'm pretty sure I looked like a foreigner walking in as if I had never set foot on American soil and had clearly never been to a gym before.  No shame!  I was giddy.

And screw you, I'm a nerd.  Get over it.

This location has a few noticeable differences than the NYSC that I am used to going to.  The most glaring is how large it is comparatively.  It is definitely slightly confusing (what with the sub-floors and small hallways connecting workout areas) but for the most part is two levels.  The first is the lobby (I think the receptionist, well, hated me.  I asked her to hold my luggage AND for directions to my hotel...she was very friendly though) and most of the cardio.  Strangely not all the cardio machines had individual TV screens.  It was about 70/30.

Also part of the first floor, in the back through a few hallways, was everything else.  Lots of room to breathe and all the standard equipment (and then some).  Lots of sunlight and stretching areas scattered about.  The clientele was stereotypical Boston; you look like you are a frat guy and you are either 1) indeed a frat guy 2) a big fat mo.  There were only a few girls but all could have been fitness models; ponytail, sports bra, light weights, nice complexion.

Downstairs were the two studios (cycling and standard), random yoga/stretching area, very large pool, and the locker rooms; this is where Boston Sports Club failed me.  The locker room...oy.  What a mess.  Towels everywhere!  I mean...everywhere.  A towel volcano....a towcano!  It was as if a towel explosion happened.  Oddly the towels were quite a bit larger than their NYSC cousins which meant they took up even MORE room. Toweltastrophe!

Showers were fine (large stalls, curtains, sauna/steam room) but there was no body wash to be found.  This was...what's the word...annoying?  no that's not it.

no....that won't do.
"fucking stupid."
My Grade: B