Saturday, November 13, 2010

Time Machine Sports Clubs?

Or something?  I need a way to elongate the week; I'm pretty confident people have been complaining about "not enough hours in the day" for, oh I don't know, a few decades at the very least.  So HOW, I ask you, have we not figured out the solution?

My point:  I have been too busy to go to new clubs recently!  I keep going daily to 23rd and Park, but with 4 trips out of town by the end of the year I have trouble seeing a clear schedule.

I WILL, however, prevail (specifics on "how" are TBD) and continue this marathon as planned.  Until then, I'll be at Chipotle complaining about the lack of a six-pack.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Mercer Street

Attention horny straight girls: go to this location.  Seriously.  It's filled to the brim with mildly to extremely attractive straight college guys.  If you were writing this blog your only complaint would be lack of co-ed locker rooms.

This picture sucks, but in my defense there is no big awning, it's pre-daylight savings so it's very dark out, and the SOILED LAUNDRY (gag) would have been too hard to move on my own...and slightly suspicious had I attempted.  This location was great though.  Very large all around.

Ground floor was the lobby (complete with more soiled laundry), women's lockers, and the cycling studio.  Downstairs was the men's locker and the "boxing studio."  I didn't actually see this "boxing studio" since it was down an ominous hallway and I forgot to bring my mace.

Second floor was very, very large.  This had everything else - huge weight area (machines and free-weights), large stretching area, and in a separate section all of the cardio.  The free weights were a different brand than normal (which doesn't really matter but in the interest of being a thorough, completely professional, and potentially world-famous blogger I feel obligated to mention this) and they didn't have the newest of the new when it came to machines.  However, they had everything you needed with the potential exception of an abundance of treadmills.  Oh, and the other studio was on this floor; I should have mentioned this earlier but was distracted by the juiced up frat boys that were watching themselves in the mirror.

The locker room was very spacious, if not a little dark, and came complete with what I have recently labeled the "puzzle piece lockers."  The benefit to these are the occasional FULL SIZE locker!  I took advantage of these.  The steam room worked well and the shower stalls were also surprisingly roomy.  The only thing I would change about the lockers besides the lighting would be to move the very random giant fan that was blocking the only full length mirror.  I was wearing a tie and a full length mirror is VITAL to the did the employees not foresee this when placing the giant fan?

My grade: A