Tuesday, September 6, 2011

76th and 1st

This is the most difficult location to get to from where I live, so I figured Labor Day would be the perfect day to try it out.  After quite a long journey (MTA runs on a Sunday schedule on holidays...which is, uh, awesome) I saw this beacon to the right shining out from the buildings.  As I got closer I realized: it's a trap!  It's a decoy!  RUN!

This is NOT the gym.  This is, uh, the studio.  I didn't care enough to really read what the hell the studio was doing a full block away, so instead I followed the directions posted to the REAL gym.  I had been warned this gym sucked ("You will definitely fail it") but didn't find my experience so bad.  Maybe it had been cleaned up since that naysayer last went.

It's four small floors which is tragically annoying, locker rooms and random machines on the second floor, random cardio/lobby on the first, cardio on the third, weights on the fourth.  There is definitely not enough stretching area and they are too far away from everything (the best stretching area, albeit small, was on the fourth floor!  WTF).  The machines were all standard but I did notice the fourth floor had a lot of natural sunlight.

Mostly straights. Everywhere.  Not a piece of eye candy to look at.  I didn't catch many of the lady-friends as they were on the first and third floors doing cardio.  I was avoiding cardio (and lady-friends to be quite honest).

The locker room was small but clean, dark paneled lockers, and the larger, newer-styled stalls with frosted doors.  I liked that.  OH and the towels -- this location utilizes the larger towels!  WE LOVE LARGE TOWELS.

My grade: B