Friday, January 21, 2011

38th and Broadway

Pro: everyone told me I would hate this location, but I didn't HATE it per se.
Con: I didn't like it.
Pro: the trainers here are beyond attractive.  All of them.
Con: I wasn't using a trainer.

This place doesn't get a completely failing grade but it certainly isn't recommended.  It is tiny and it is clearly for the business folk (aka more cardio than anything else).  Don't plan on working on your abs or stretching before your workout cause the tiny, sweat-soaked stretching areas are not worth waiting in line for.

The lockers are small and messy but there was a steam room and a sauna available.  While they had most all of the machines that come standard they are packed in a humid and dingy downstairs area.  Just not...nice.

The clientele wasn't bad and the trainers all had me drooling.  But besides that there isn't much to write about.  It is in a terrible part of Manhattan, it's depressing, and it's tiny; none of those are desirable in a boyfriend, and none are desirable in a gym.

My grade: D+