Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The first day

Let's start here: I have no place blogging.  None.  Nope.  Not a writer, not creative, and not remotely interesting.

My roommate told me to.

This is why I'm here: I need new motivation to stay in shape and keep achieving my health goals.  I'm a member of New York Sports Club and go to the same club each and every day during my lunch break at work.  I have only visited 4 of the Manhattan locations and yesterday, while I was acting as a substitute workout buddy for a new friend (he did very little working out, mind you...), I realized I should be taking advantage of the variety of clubs.  It seemed to be great motivation to 1) continue to workout more regularly than just lunch breaks and 2) clear my after work schedule to commit to the gym (aka less bar-crawls, more gym-crawls).

So here we are.