Thursday, August 26, 2010

41st Street - Theatre District

OK first off, I drank a Spike Energy Drink on my way to this club.  BAD IDEA.  I felt like an ADHD kid at the waterworks playzone in Disneyland and was having trouble concentrating.

I arrived at this location and was turned off immediately.  However I warmed up INSTANTLY when the first person I saw was h-o-t.  Unfortunately this was the only hot person at the entire club; I felt like I was working out with tourists and their moms.

The gym isn't bad though.  Low ceilings (I kept thinking the guy on the eliptical machine in front of me was going to get a concussion on the vent above him...the suspense made my treadmill run go by much faster), and three floors.  First floor: lots of cardio, very cool temp, and stretching areas.  Bottom floor: studios, and tiny stretching area -- this floor is, well, grim and tiny.  Second floor: TONS of machines, very small free-weight area, and another small stretching area (extra points!).

Locker rooms were large, many showers, sauna and steam room and in OK shape.  However, the only place I could find towels was the front desk.  -1500 points (if the towel service and I were in a relationship this would be a dealbreaker.  Like martini-in-your-face and "please delete my number" dealbreaker).  This is completely inconvenient and, not to continue to be immature about it, stupid.

Grade: B