Wednesday, October 12, 2011

51st and Lexington

I finally went to a new location!  And this visit was EPIC.  Why?  Cause 1) I FINALLY WENT TO A NEW LOCATION. 2) I took a gym buddy who has guest comments on this entry!  3) I took a group class...for the first time at NYSC.  I'm like...moving mountains, saving babies, and passing out free EPT's all at the same time.

So this place has a terrible, terrible entry way.  I mean look at that!  It's straight from the 80's.  The facility isn't so awful though -- very outdated with the decor and over-stimulation with mirrors and glass (almost dizzying), and pretty dim.  But it is all one floor (we love that, remember?) and while it was busy during the lunch rush, everyone was pretty fit and attractive.

The class we took was the abs class and it was in the smaller of the two studios.  It was fun actually, and very hard.  We both learned a few new tricks...still no six pack, but I should probably blame that on Chipotle and not pretend like the class fell short of expectations.

The equipment was all slightly outdated but there was plenty of space to workout.  Just everything seems so random at this location.  No order, rhyme, or reason as to where things are placed.  That may have been the fun-house styled mirror placement, though.  My gym buddy, Benjamin Shpres, was the only one of us that took a shower (I can't figure out how to re-write that phrase and not make it sound bad for either/both of us) and I asked him to send me his general remarks:
1. There were towel clad men waiting in a single file line to use the showers. Unless there's some kind of...service...happening there, this is unacceptable. When I eventually did get to the shower area, it was more humid than a tropical jungle. Seriously, the tiles, the knobs, EVERYTHING was dripping wet. It was like I rolled a very gay number (3?) while playing Jumanji.
2. I was overwhelmed by how many machines were packed in one area. It was like this location had taken fertility drugs and then spawned excessive workout-machine-offspring.
Ben and I apparently agree on the need for EPT's.

My grade: B